Network Connectivity Solutions

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At Necoso we believe our main opportunities are in the field of 'embedded network connectivity', at the machine side of this next internet revolution. As embedded data communications specialists with over 15 years of knowledge and experience in the field of network connectivity we understand the problems that other companies have when it comes to realizing a network interface for an existing or new product. The most common problems are:

  • Knowledge and experience in the field of network connectivity is not available within the organization because it is not part of the core-business.
  • Gaining the required knowledge and expertise is a long and expensive process. And the market is demanding 'network ready' products on short-term.
  • The device's hardware was originally designed to realize only the required core functionality of the product. The design does not include the amount of extra processing power and/or memory required for adding network connectivity.

Necoso aims to help her customers in solving these problems by offering:

  • Assistance to their hardware and software engineers for making the best design decisions and speeding up the development process. (consultancy)
  • Ready-to-use components (hardware and/or software) which can quickly be integrated into the product or used as standalone accessory next to the product. (standard design-in solutions)
  • Customization of the ready-to-use components, for situations where the existing components will not do/are not sufficient. (custom design-in solutions)
  • Development of whole new customer specific hardware and/or software solutions. (turn-key solutions)

The network connectivity problems mentioned above apply for both existing products and new designs. Many existing machines and devices have an economical life-span that reaches beyond that of the quickly evolving networking technology of today. Additionally, there is the ever continuing process of companies defining and using new interfaces and protocols for their products. That's why we at Necoso believe that today as well as in the years to come their will always be mix of 'legacy', 'established' and 'emerging' network interfaces and protocols on the market. And as a result of that there will be an ever continuing demand to provide solutions that enable communications between all these technologies.

Examples of today's 'legacy' technologies:

  • RS232/RS485/RS422
  • PSTN
  • Twinax
  • Coax
  • Token Ring

Examples of 'established' technologies:

  • Infra Red (IrDA)
  • Ethernet
  • Modbus
  • CAN
  • Profibus
  • SMS
  • GSM data
  • GPRS
  • USB
  • Cable
  • ADSL

Examples of 'emerging' or new technologies:

  • UMTS
  • Bluetooth
  • Wireless LAN (WiFi)
  • Glass fiber

Remember, today's emerging technologies are tomorrows established technologies ! And will be legacy in a few years to come...


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Necoso, Het Kasteel 315, 7325 PE Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)55-3601410, fax +31 (0)84-7246122
Copyright © 2003-2013 Necoso - All rights reserved.
Last updated:07-jan-2013