Network Connectivity Solutions

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Necoso is also a technology driven company. Our business is utilizing both legacy and front-technology for realizing the best fitting solutions for our customers. Now and in the future. So we closely watch the new technology developments and the opportunities they offer. We have to stay up-to-date with the future. But we also listen to today's technology requests from our customers. Currently most of those requests come in the field of ethernet and GSM connectivity.

For ethernet most requests involve adding devices/machines to the local intranet of a building or site. Sometimes enabling remote access through a gateway to the world wide internet.

GSM based solutions are most often asked for those situations where no ethernet infra-structure is available (e.g. outdoors) or where use of the existing network infra-structures is not allowed by the end-user. (e.g. for security reasons)

Necoso has invested in these technologies and developed a series of products, services and solutions especially around these technologies.


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Necoso, Het Kasteel 315, 7325 PE Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)55-3601410, fax +31 (0)84-7246122
Copyright © 2003-2013 Necoso - All rights reserved.
Last updated:07-jan-2013